The Pathfinder is a fermented and distilled hemp-based liquid with the intense flavor and aromatic characteristics of a spirit, with none of the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages.

The Pathfinder travels well in our signature spritz recipe, with a splash of citrus and a rush of bubbles, but this unique herbal elixir lends itself to a multitude of delicious concoctions.

Auspicious Origins

The Pathfinder Hemp and Root is inspired by the apothecarial mysteries of Old West snake oil salesmen, alternative medicine, and the supernatural marvels that go hand-in-hand with them. The resulting liquid is equally wild and enigmatic, leading our drinkers to new realms of flavor both tangible and surreal. With an eye to the future of drinks and a thirst for progress in booze-free spirits, Hemp and Root hearkens to a bygone age while raising the standard of flavor and quality in non-alcoholic spirits.